welcome to dominique arhee

heyyy there!


“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do”


-Brene Brown

About me

Hey Ya’ll!! What it do? My name is Dominique Arhee, I have a visible birthmark on my leg that I became ashamed and insecure about after being teased one day. I’ve been on my own self-love and healing journey as I remove the limiting beliefs and lies I was told about my physical appearance.

I am truly passionate about sharing my story about overcoming being ashamed and having insecurities about being born with a birthmark and being different.

I am on an adventure to celebrate those with birthmarks just like me and empower you all to be proud of what sets you apart and makes you stand out!

Let’s uplift and empower each other wherever you are on your journey.

Love & Light,

Dominique Arhee


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